Wow...has it been that long since my last entry? I hadn't even realized...anyway, I got 2 new wavs and I'm searching for some new pictures. See ya in a few days! Setpember 13, 1999
Hey ya'll. Sorry it's been so long. Anyway, I added some new pics for AJ, Howie and Brian. Kevin and Nick's are coming tomorrow or the next day. Also I updated the Faves page. Tomorrow I'm going to update some of my other pages. Any ideas for a new poll? I seriously can not think of a thing. Oh, and Congrats Brian! You're gunna get married first, then AJ. :o) September 1, 1999
Hey! Alright, I added a message for you guys that I really want you to read. Also, I updated the BsB--News section and the BsB--On TV section. Enjoy!
August 28,1999
Hey ya'll. OK, I did about 3 things tonight because I'm knocked out. I gotcha some more sounds, and I added some more "You Might Be An Addict If..."s. There will be more tomorrow or the next day! Love ya! August 22, 1999
Let me start by saying "Happy Birthday Howie"! Next, I'm really sorry it's been so long since I updated, but the homework caught up with me. Anyway, on each of the Boys' main sites, I've customized a cursor. I think they're pretty nifty. I updated the "Top Ten Lists" and the "Faves" page as well. More updates coming really soon. Oh, and by the way, we're going to be getting a new guestbook, and a small customized banner. Look for those things in the near future!
August 16, 1999
Howdy! Well, I've started my second week at high school, and things are absolutely insane. Anyway, I'm extremely disapointed in you guys. Why won't you sign my guest book?! Makes me mad. Oh well. Tonight's updates are, an update in the group pics section, an update in the BsB--On The Charts section, and a little more sound. Enjoy, and sign the guest book for goodness sake! Love and other sports~Wesley and Co.
August 12, 1999
OK. Today's update was really pitiful because I got online late and had to leave early. I added sound to Hey Mr. DJ (Keep Playin This Song) and I changed the poll. OK, on another note, I am, not asking, but begging you people to sign my guestbook, I totally need some rave reviews for my pitiful little ego, and I seriously wanna know your thoughts. The other thing is I need a nice person to be my "Nifty Graphics Dude/Girl". I NEED a banner people, and I'm not graphically inclined! Thanks SOOOO much. Love and other sports, Wesley and Co.
August 10, 1999
Yikes! What a week! I started my freshman year of high school today, and I already have homework! Anyways,I updated the BsB--News page, the faves page and the BsB--On The Charts page. I also added a couple more pages of sounds. Enjoy!
August 3, 1999
Sorry for the delay in updates! Stuff just kept happening! Anyway, I updated the BsB--On The Charts page, the BsB--On TV page, the Concert Schedule page, the Favorite Pic/Quote of The Week page and the Group Pics page. I'm going to add sound clips of QPGWMH, ALAYLM and Everybody tonight. Oh, by the way, ya'll NEED to sign my guestbook! I wanna know what ya think of my page!
July 31,1999
We finally have sound! Sort of...the sound is on the lyrics page, like I said yesterday, and the songs have this nifty little dude next to them . If the songs don't work, PLEASE tell me! OK, love ya'll bunches. Sorry the update was so lousy tonight. But I think sound is pretty nifty, personally. :o)
July 30,1999
I updated the BsB--News page today, and later on tonight I will add a game or quiz. My upload gadget suddenly decided that it hates me, so no sound tonight. But, let me tell you how it will work, once it works. Song clips will be on the lyrics pages. Sound clips will be on the Sounds page. Hey, does anyone know how to make graphics? Because I could really use a banner! If so, e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks! July 29, 1999
Whew! I finally got a links page added! Took me long enough, didn't it? You may notice a few changes on my site. Like the mouse overs on my links. Coming soon, sounds! In fact, I'm spending most of tonight working on the kinks on that next step for BsB--Millennium!
So far today I've updated the BsB News page and I've added a poll. Later on tonight I will probably add a BsB On The Charts page and a Links page. If I don't do that tonight, look for it in the very near future!
Well, today I added this page. I also added Howie's pictures and BsB--News page.
Today I updated the Favorites page. I also added Kevin's pictures.