--AJ's Quotable Quotes--
"Nick...It's your shoes Nick..."

"I hate clowns...they freak me out."

"You can take a shower and do your laundry at the same time. Anyone got any fabric softener?"

"I'd like to have a run in with Gwen Stephani..."

"I read somewhere on the net that I have 101 tatoos."

"I had a crush on my teacher."

"Oh yeah, my brother Bill, and my brother Phill. Don't make em angry. Let's go, c'mon."

"Hey! I beeped. They felt me up with that little thing. It was good"

"AHHHH!!! Caught me without my sunglasses!"

"We're gunna say bye-bye."

"I'm grounded."

"I'm feelin kinda nauseous..."

"Nick! It's all your fault!"

"Lenny Kravitz,heck yea!"

"I can't see Brian...I'm not sure I like this."

"Ya'll like me? Ya'll REALLY like me?"

"By God we're still waiting for our food"

"Am I gorgeous? Yes AJ, you are."

"I don't really know any, is Bruce Lee Japanese?"

"Whoa...got up too quick."

"That's women's dude..."

"Why do I get all the nasty questions?"

"Yeah right!"

"I'm assuming something blew up..."

"Brian, this is the perfect fan."

"All I want you to do is scream obnoxiously for the rest of the show."

"I think I'm gonna go to everyone's house after the show and trick or treat."

"Dropoff...pahking...5 dolla."

"But I spend more time with my puppies so it's ok."
